
Orgone Ionic Shell Pendant

Original price was: $63.00.Current price is: $55.00.

The Orgone Ionic Shell Pendant is an energetic tool that creates a harmonising field of Negative Ion around our body to support and balance our own magnetic field and aura, and to protect form depleting Positive Ion energy influences created by aspects of our environment such as computers, TV’s, household appliances and electrical equipment etc.

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About the Orgone Ionic Shell Pendant

The Orgone Ionic Shell Pendant is made from natural Kabibbie shell with a vegan-friendly cotton cord and measures 4.8cm in diameter.

The Orgone Ionic Shell Pendant has undergone an infusion process unique to Orgone Effects® which gives the pendant a negative charge frequency.  EMF has a positive charge; which is the harmful component to any EMF field and may affect our health and well-being.  The negative charge in the Shell Pendant balances the positive charge which then neutralises any EMF stress in the body.

Wearing the Orgone Shell Pendant may have a supportive and strengthening effect on our energy bodies, meridian system and vital organs which are weakened by the various harmful EMR fields we are exposed to daily when we’re out and about.

The images below show the difference in the Aura using GDV Kirlian Photography. The left image shows the Aura with no personal protection, while the right image shows the Aura after wearing the Orgone Stellar Pendant™ for 24hrs.


The Orgone Ionic Shell Pendant offers protection against noxious energies such as:

  • Electromagnetic Radiation
  • Radio Frequencies and Microwave
  • Earth Magnetic Radiation and Geopathic Stress
  • Negative energies directed at us

The Orgone Ionic Shell Pendant is especially beneficial to people involved in physical activity by helping with…

  • Strength
  • Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Co-ordination
  • Intuition
  • Concentration Levels
  • Helps to Compensate for those low energy days

People who are very sensitive to EMF and suffer from Electro-hypersensitivity may find the Orgone Shell Pendant particularly helpful.  Created for continued EMF protection while you’re out and about and away from the protection of the Geoclense® or Stellar Dome at home or work.

Find out more about the Geoclense Home Harmoniser by clicking here.

Find out more about the Stellar Dome by clicking here.

Click here to view our full product range.


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